What is the principle of circularity? Circularity is the economic principle of sharing, repairing, refurbishing, recycling, remanufacturing and reusing as much as possible to minimize waste and the extraction & creation of virgin materials
- Part of any material that can be recycled (or re-used), the recyclability of a material
Related topics
- Reusable, upcycle, recyclable or compostable?
Types of circularity
- reduce
- reuse
- recycle
- renew.
Recycled vs Virgin materials
Recycled materials informs about the part of any material made from recycled materials.
Materials are recyclable if they can be collected, sorted, reprocessed, and ultimately reused in manufacturing or making another item. This is about the part of a material that can be recycled.
Even though many materials can be (partly) recycled in theory, many materials do not get recycled in practice. There are many different reasons why materials do not get recycled. Mostly it is because it is too difficult to recycle or it costs too much money or energy.
Different types of recycling
Reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original. Upcycling basically provides things a second existence, it revives the object but with a higher user value than what it had in its previous life. Upcycled objects include everyday items such as furniture, ceramic materials, cans, clothing, and glassware
- RecycledMaterialsUsedWeight (UnitDomain: Mass)
- RecycledMaterialsUsedPercentage (Unit: %)
- RecyclableMaterialsWeight (UnitDomain: Mass)
- RecyclebaleMaterialsPercentage (Unit: %)
- ReclycableDegratePercentage (Unit: %)
- RecycledMaterialsActualWeight (UnitDomain: Mass)
Related topics
- Waste
- Landfill (waste dump)
- Incineration: A waste treatment process that involves the combustion of substances contained in waste materials
- Waste-to-energy?
- Re-use
- Re-wear (fastion/clothing)