IMDE Data Topics

From Goodness Community

The IMDE is a modular DataFormat based on DataTopics. DataTopics are defined to exchange a set of related data. DataTopics examples are: allergens, circularity, pricing. Per DataTopic multiple DataFormats are support and DataTopics can overlap with other DataTopics.

Example: Fish Catch method & area can be a seperate DataTopic or can this data can be part of a List of Ingredients DataTopic.

List of the current IMDE Data Topics

This is the list of the DataTopics that currently have been identified. Per DataTopic multiple DataFormats are supported. DataTopics can have overlapping data with other DataTopics. DataTopics can be specific for one entity or can be applicable for multiple entities.

DataTopic Code DataTopic DataGroup
Measurements Depth, width, height, gross weight, .. General Material
Content Content in multiple single or combined units, example pieces, 3x50 gram, drained weight General Material
MaterialMasterData Identifiers, name, functional/legal name General Material
LifeCycleData Product life cycle, information life cycle dates General Material
PackagingMaterials Components, Materials+Specs, including virgin/recycled origin, recycling instructions Packaging
Ingredients ListofIngredients + IngredientStatement , 1 list or SFG (Semi-finished Good) Food & Beverages
FoodAllergens Contains, free from, might contain + OnLabel Y/N} Food & Beverages
Nutrients Full version and onlabel version, with statements. Support for mixed products Food & Beverages
GTS GTS Product Features, a code-based product feature information model Fashion
ETIM ETIM Product Features, a code-based product feature information model Building & Installation

Next DataTopics to be classsified

  • Marks (Pictograms + Additional Parameters) + info: OnLabel: Yes/ No
  • Claims (Health Claims, Nutritional Claims, Safefty warnings, Health Warnings, Sustainabilty Claims)
  • Instructions {Transport, Storage, Usage, Preparation, Serving, Consumption}
  • Trading Information (IsOrderUnit, IsInvoiceUnit, MinOrderQuantity, et cetera), can differ between two parties in the value network